• About
Karolinska institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset

Lars Maegdefessel Group

Molecular vascular medicine

The group is focused on understanding the therapeutic and biomarker potential of non-coding RNAs in vascular diseases.


The lab aims to determine the microarchitecture of atherosclerotic plaques using multi-omics approaches, such as single cell, bulk and spatial RNA sequencing and proteomics. By using multi-omics data, we aim to identify novel therapies and biomarkers for vascular diseases, such as carotid artery disease and aortic aneurysms.

Group Leader

Lars Maegdefessel, lars.maegdefessel@ki.se

Group members

Katja Chernogubova, PhD, research coordinator, katja.chernogubova@ki.se

Hong Jin, MD, PhD, senior researcher, hong.jin@ki.se

Greg Winski, MD, PhD, affiliated, greg.winski@ki.se


Daniel Y. Li, PhD, Susanne Eken, MD PhD, Albert Busch, MD, PhD, Alexandra Bäcklund, PhD, Changyan Sun, MSc

Consortia & networks

European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO; council committee member), Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Section of the American Heart Association (AHA; leadership council)


ERC, Vetenkapsrådet, Hjärt Lungfonden, Ragnar Söderberg Foundation

Prizes and awards

ERC Starting (2016) and Consolidator Grants (2022), Ragnar Söderberg Fellow in Medicine (2014), Prince Daniel Research Award from HLF (2014)

PhD theses form the lab

Greg Winski. Non-coding RNA-based therapeutics and biomarkers for treatment and detection of vascular disease. 2022.01.21

Susanne M. Eken. Role and therapeutic potential of non-coding RNAs in vascular remodeling and atherosclerotic plaque formation. 2017.06.08



Bioclinicum J8:20

Selected publication

Targeting long non-coding RNA NUDT6 enhances smooth muscle cell survival and limits vascular disease progression. Winter H, Winski G, Busch A, Chernogubova E, Fasolo F, Wu Z, Bäcklund A, Khomtchouk BB, Van Booven DJ, Sachs N, Eckstein H-H, Wittig I, Boon RA, Jin H, Maegdefessel L. Molecular Therapy.  Published: May 04, 2023.

Organ-on-a-chip technology: a novel approach to investigate cardiovascular disease. Paloschi V, Sabater-Lleal M, Middelkamp H, Vivas A, Johansson S, van der Meer A, Tenje M, Maegdefessel L, Cardiovasc Res. 2021 Dec 17;117(14):2742-2754.

Externalized histone H4 orchestrates chronic inflammation by inducinglytic cell death. Silvestre-Roig C, Braster Q, Wichapong K, Lee EY, Teulon JM, Berrebeh N, Winter J, Adrover JM, Santos GS, Froese A, Lemnitzer P, Ortega-Gómez A, Chevre R, Marschner J, Schumski A, Winter C, Perez-Olivares L, Pan C, Paulin N, Schoufour T, Hartwig H, González-Ramos S, Kamp F, Megens RTA, Mowen KA, Gunzer M, Maegdefessel L, Hackeng T, Lutgens E, Daemen M, von Blume J, Anders HJ, Nikolaev VO, Pellequer JL, Weber C, Hidalgo A, Nicolaes GAF, Wong GCL, Soehnlein O. Nature. 2019 May;569(7755):236-240.

 Long Noncoding RNA MIAT Controls Advanced Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation and Plaque Destabilization. Fasolo F, Jin H, Winski G, Chernogubova E, Pauli J, Winter H, Li DY, Glukha N, Bauer S, Metschl S, Wu Z, Koschinsky ML, Reilly M, Pelisek J, Kempf W, Eckstein H-H, Soehnlein O, Matic L, Hedin U, Bergmark C, Paloschi V, Maegdefessel L. Circulation. 2021 Nov 9;144(19):1567-1583.

Lenvatinib halts aortic aneurysm growth by restoring smooth muscle cell contractility. Busch A, Pauli J, Winski G, Bleichert S, Chernogubova E, Metschl S, Winter H, Trenner M, Wiegering A, Otto C, Fischer J, Reiser J, Werner J, Roy J, Brostjan C, Knappich, Eckstein H-H, Paloschi V, Maegdefessel L. JCI Insight. 2021 Aug 9;6(15):e140364.

miR-29b Mediates the Chronic Inflammatory Response in Radiotherapy-Induced Vascular Disease. Eken SM, Christersdottir T, Winski G, Sangsuwan T, Jin H, Chernogubova E, Pirault J, Sun C, Simon N, Winter H, Bäcklund A, Haghdoost S, Hansson GK, Halle M, Maegdefessel. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2019 Feb 25;4(1):72-82.

H19 Induces Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Development and Progression. Li DY, Busch A, Jin H, Chernogubova E, Pelisek J, Karlsson J, Sennblad B, Liu S, Lao S, Hofmann P, BäcklundA, Eken SM, Roy J, Eriksson P, Dacken B, Ramanujam D, Dueck A, Engelhardt S, Boon RA, Eckstein H-H, Spin JM, Tsao PS, Lars MAegdefessel. Circulation. 2018 Oct 9;138(15):1551-1568.

Local Delivery of miR-21 Stabilizes Fibrous Caps in Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Lesions. Jin H, Li DY, Chernogubova E, Sun C, Busch A, Eken SM, Saliba-Gustafsson P, Winter H, Winski G, Raaz U, Schellinger IN, Simon N, Hegenloh R, Matic L, Jagodic M, Ehrenborg E, Pelisek J, Eckstein H-H, Hedin U, Bäcklund A, Maegdefessel L. Mol Ther. 2018 Apr 4;26(4):1040-1055.

MicroRNA-210 Enhances Fibrous Cap Stability in Advanced Atherosclerotic Lesions. Eken S, Jin H, Chernogubova E, Li Y, Simon N, Sun C, Korzunowicz F, Busch A, Bäcklund A, Österholm C, Razuvaev A, Renné T, Eckstein H-H, Pelisek J, Eriksson P, Diez MG, Matic L, Schellinger IN, Raaz U, Leeper NJ, Hansson GK, Paulsson-Berne G, Hedin U, Maegdefessel L.  Circ. Res. 2017 Feb;120(4):633-644.

CD47-blocking antibodies restore phagocytosis and prevent atherosclerosis. Kojima Y, Volkmer J, McKenna K, Civelek M, Lusis A, Miller C, Direnzo D, Nanda V, Ye J, Connoly AJ, Schadt EE, Quertermous T, Betancur P, Maegdefessel L, Matic L, Hedin U, Weissman IL, Leeper NJ. Nature. 2016 Aug 4;536(7614):86-90.

Dichloroacetate prevents restenosis in preclinical animal models of vessel injury. ​Deuse T, Hua X, Wang D, Maegdefessel L, Heeren J, Scheja L, Bolaños JP, Rakovic A, Spin JM, Stubbendorff M, Ikeno F, Länger F, Zeller T, Shulte-Uentrop L, Stoehr A, Itagaki R, Haddad F, Eschenhagen T, Blakenberg S, Kiefmann R, Reichenspurner H, Velden J, Klein C, Yeung A, Robbins RC, Tsao PS, Scherepfer S. Nature. 2014 May;509(7502):641-4.

About CMM

The Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM) is a foundation instituted by the Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm). CMM is at the heart of a close partnership with the Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, fueling advancements in biomedical and clinical research.


Center for Molecular Medicine Foundation, org. nr. 815201-3689

Karolinska University Hospital L8:05

Visionsgatan 18

171 76 Stockholm, Sweden


Karolinska institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset