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Karolinska institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset

Neon Transfection System

The Neon® Transfection System is a novel, benchtop electroporation device that employs an electroporation technology by using the pipette tip as an electroporation chamber to efficiently transfect mammalian cells including primary and immortalized hematopoietic cells, stem cells, and primary cells. The Neon® Transfection System efficiently delivers nucleic acids, proteins, and siRNA into all mammalian cell types including primary and stem cells with a high cell survival rate. The transfection is performed using as few as 1 × 104 or as many as 5 × 106 cells per reaction using a sample volume of 10 µL or 100 µL in a variety of cell culture formats (60 mm, 6-well, 48-well, and 24-well). The Neon® Transfection System uses a single transfection kit (Neon® Kit) that is compatible with various mammalian cell types including primary and stem cells thereby avoiding the need to determine an optimal buffer for each cell type. The Neon® Transfection System offers open and transparent protocols that are optimized for ease of use and simplicity. The Neon® device is preprogrammed with one 24-well optimization protocol to optimize conditions for your nucleic acid/siRNA and cell type, or you can program and store up to 50 cell-specific protocols in the Neon® device database. You need to have your own single transfection kit (Neon® Kit).

Training: Using the Neon is very simple but in case of any question please contact the responsible person and also check the links below:

More information is available:



Location: CMM L8:04, room 042.

Responsible person: Majid Pahlevan Kakhki

Email: majid.pahlevan.kakhki@ki.se

Costs: Using the machine is free of charge but if it will need any service of repair, the cost will be split among the group leaders according to how much members of each group have used the machine.

About CMM

The Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM) is a foundation instituted by the Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm). CMM is at the heart of a close partnership with the Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, fueling advancements in biomedical and clinical research.


Center for Molecular Medicine Foundation, org. nr. 815201-3689

Karolinska University Hospital L8:05

Visionsgatan 18

171 76 Stockholm, Sweden


Karolinska institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset